What can we be doing better? Anxiety and Accessibility initiatives 2.0 with Cyndi Rowland of WebAIM

October 12, 2022, 11am – noon, PDT


Common national issues around digital accessibility often perplex institutions, cause anxiety, and frame campus conversations on institutional accessibility. Dr. Rowland will help lead participants to identify action steps they can take to improve, or even restart, accessibility efforts and institutional initiatives.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this session, learners will be able to:

  • Identify issues that perplex many institutions as they work to improve digital accessibility. 
  • Identify at least one issue that, if improved, would help their institutional efforts. 
  • Locate resources to help guide improvements.


Cyndi Rowland, PhD, Executive Director of WebAIM

Dr. Rowland is the Founder and Director of WebAIM and the National Center on Disability and Access to Education, both at Utah State University. Since 1999 she has focused on research, tool and resource development, training, and policy initiatives for web accessibility.  WebAIM and NCDAE are viewed as important resources in digital accessibility. Both groups have a rich history of research and product development to benefit the broader community and inclusive web.  Dr. Rowland engages in her accessibility work at top-tier national and international levels.